Some pages will look different than others as we modernize to bring you an even better website.


Note to assistive technology users: the list below starting with "通往成功之路" is a clickable group of tabs. You can access the option you want in the same way you would activate a link.
  • 通往成功之路
  • 在库
  • 视频
  • 图片
  • 图书馆资源


“你准备好解放教科书了吗??" 米歇尔·霍华德 & 瑞安·伯恩斯坦(Cc乘4.0 由Nicole Bednar为OPE电子竞技官网改编.

的 following sites contain OER or other materials in the 公共领域:

  • B.C. 开放的集合
    Find OER textbooks and full course material packages.
  • 开放存取图书目录
    Indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books.
  • 互联网档案馆
    Millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
    NOTE: To determine if a work is in the 公共领域 or available with a 知识共享许可, 看这条线 使用 (就在标题下面). 如果你没有看到这条线 使用,该作品受版权保护.
    为了将search限制在OER范围内, 遵循以下说明 (scroll down to “Can I search by 知识共享许可?”).
  • LibreTexts
  • 梅森OER元查找器
    Searches across more than 20 different sources of open educational materials.
  • 梅洛
    Search or browse tens of thousands of discipline-specific learning materials, learning exercises and content creation tools, 其中许多是经过同行评审的.
  • 米尔恩开放教科书
    A catalog of open textbooks authored and peer-reviewed by SUNY faculty and staff.
  • OAPEN图书馆
    A quality-controlled collection of open access books.
  • 绿洲
    Searches open content from 115 different sources.
  • OER按学科目录
    Open educational resources organized by discipline.
  • OER共用
    Search tens of thousands of open resources from lesson plans to full courses by discipline, 材料类型, 教学使用, 格式和更多.
  • 开放教科书图书馆
    OER textbooks available through the Open Education Network at the University of Minnesota.
  • OpenStax
    Peer-reviewed open textbooks published by OpenStax at Rice University.
  • OpenTextbookStore
    A selection of quality textbooks issued under open licenses that allow for printing.
  • Pressbooks目录
    An index of over 5,000 books published across more than 100 Pressbook networks.
  • SkillsCommons
    A comprehensive collection of workforce-related OER produced by community colleges throughout the United States.


  • 知识共享视频search
    Search for videos available with a 知识共享许可.
  • 可汗学院
    Provides top-quality educational videos that are organized by discipline and skill levels. 如果您希望使用视频,请参阅 Can I use 可汗学院’s videos/name/materials/links in my project? 为指导原则.
  • TED演讲
    Influential videos from expert speakers on education, 业务, 科学, 科技与创意, 配有100多种语言字幕.
    NOTE: TED演讲 are licensed under a Creative Commons BY–NC–ND 4.0国际许可证, meaning “no derivative works are permitted so you cannot edit, 混音, 创建, modify or alter the form of the TED演讲 in any way. This includes using the TED演讲 as the basis for another work, 包括配音, 画外音, 或其他未经TED授权的翻译.“看 TED演讲使用政策.
  • Vimeo
    Hosts millions of Creative-Commons licensed videos. 浏览列表 或searchCC许可的视频(见 这些指令).
  • YouTube
    Provides millions of Creative-Commons licensed videos. You will need to limit your search to CC-licensed videos only (see 这些指令).

的 following sites will help you find OER images:

Though most library materials do not have open licenses, they are free to students and can be incorporated into your class. Like all other copyrighted and restricted materials, you must be careful how you use library resources to make sure you do not violate the terms of use of the resource.

要查找资源,请访问 图书馆网站 然后点击相应的选项卡:

  • 数据库 - find magazine, newspaper and academic journal articles.
  • 电子书 -search几个电子书收藏.
  • 流媒体视频 - access a large collection of online documentaries and feature films.
  • 期刊无所不包的 - find a specific magazine, newspaper or journal.


  1. 向图书管理员咨询. Ask them about the specific resources you might want to use in your class.
  2. Be aware that many online materials, such as journal articles, are not owned by the library. This means that resources may change as database vendors drop them from their subscriptions.
  3. Know that 电子书 may not be accessible by more than one student at a time depending on the license of the individual eBook.
  4. For use of library materials in your course, 比如数据库中的一篇文章, properly link to the resource instead of making digital copies. If you do not know how to link to a library resource, consult a librarian on your campus.


Be aware that downloading copies of articles from the 图书馆's databases and then uploading them to Canvas for your students may violate copyright law. A better idea is to provide students with persistent links (also called permalinks) to the articles you want them to read. 学生 will be able to access the articles both on and off campus. In some cases, you can even embed articles directly within Canvas. This also applies to other library resources such as 电子书. 看到 图书馆数据库 & Canvas 说明页面.


流媒体视频 page includes instructions on embedding or linking to videos. In some cases, you can also 创建 clips or playlists.

改编自 图书馆 & Web资源, by Criss 图书馆, University of Nebraska Omaha (4岁.0 许可).